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We build a foundation of learning that will help your child succeed in primary school. Our teachers guide your child towards reaching milestones and achieving success.
Ensuring Success In Primary School and Beyond.

Children learn something about everything - language, art, math, and science. Your child will learn to use the basics of language - read, write and identify sounds. The math curriculum teaches how to identify and create patterns, count, measure, and so much more.
The most fun and interactive of all subjects is art and crafts. Children learn to express themselves through art, which strengthens their emotional development. We have created a program with a range of topics so that your child is learning something new every day.

Children aged 4 to 6 are in their crucial years of development. Your child will learn language skills to form sentences, identify rhyming words, and more. Mathematics includes writing, patterns, shapes, and solving basic arithmetic. We prepare them for primary school and beyond.
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Our Educators
Children at Alyve Daycare gain the tools and support they need for development. We've designed a program to nurture your child's emotional, intellectual, and physical growth. Your child develops his/her mind through stimulating situations and hands-on learning
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